Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Good Afternoon Central Louisiana Baptists!

"...I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15 NASB).     

In the United States, members of the armed forces can be punished for "Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentlemen." The standards for conduct in the armed forces are much higher than the normal standards expected of civilians. Violations of these standards are typically characterized by dishonesty, cruelty, indecency, unfair dealings, lawlessness and overall injustice.  Generally speaking, this conduct is of the nature considered to dishonor the officer's position. The main focus is to encourage integrity and honor in the United States Armed Forces. Thus, any type of poor conduct should not be performed by one in the position of a military officer even if though it may not be illegal.

Do the members of a Christ honoring, Bible believing, Bible preaching New Testament Church have a "Code of Conduct" of which they are to be held accountable? Paul, in his letter to Timothy very plainly instructed Timothy in the high standards that were to be applied to those who were in the church at Ephesus. Like those followers at the church at Ephesus, I suppose that Christians today also, have very high standards of conduct. To be succinct, Christians...like officers in the United States armed forces...are held to standards of conduct that are much higher than the normal standards than those expected of people outside the family of faith. So give this some thought. Is there room for improvement...in your conduct? Yes, me too!

I had an experience today that I've just got to share! I was with approximately 25 ministers from various churches in Grant Parish, in a meeting in the Grant Parish Sheriff's Department Conference Room. The subject was the possibility of a building that could be utilized to hold chapel services at the jail. This is a wonderful opportunity! Thank you Lord, for the exciting news and for the obvious concern shared by these ministers to make a difference in our community. May God grant his life-changing Good News to even more people through this emerging ministry.

Robert Daniel    

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