Friday, January 24, 2014


Grace and Peace to You!

Can you imagine…we are nearly 1/12th of our way into Two Thousand, Fourteen! I can tell right now, it won’t seem like there will be enough time to accomplish all we hope to do. Allow me to reflect on some happenings related to associational ministry in 2013, followed by some things that are on my mind for your consideration for the present.

1. A major focus, involving dozens of BMC pastors and church members from the first days of 2013, was the Presidents 2020 Commission. Great effort was applied to shape the direction of the LBC for the future. Just this week, I have been in two meetings considering the implementation of the various strategies. Once again, the associations play a critical role in the vast process of Louisiana churches connecting people to cooperative efforts.

2. If you came by the BMC, and you did…at a rate of over eleven (11) per week, you probably noticed the prayer board that lists churches without pastors. For most of the year there were many churches searching…eternally, it may have seemed…to find God’s man for their congregation. Graciously, those needs began to be filled!  Brent Romero, FBC Boyce; Kenny Moore, Carmel; Jerry Johnson, Dixie; Bill Howe, Sharp; Jerry Pounds, Baptist Temple; James Preuett, Verda; T. J. Harkness, FBC Lecompte; Brian Gunter, FBC Pollock; Lucas Lacour, Alpine; and Brad Robertson, Horseshoe Drive. Praise the Lord! Welcome new pastors, we invite you to the association ministries and activities and we encourage you to embrace any and all available resources.

3. Baptist Mission Center associations were once again on the front lines for the Crossover Evangelism events preceding the annual meeting of the LBC in Alexandria, Louisiana, this past November. The Association’s Steering Committee put together a great strategy of Block Parties and school assemblies. Block Party attendance was over 200, with numerous professions of faith and there were eleven school assemblies and three after school evangelistic Harvest Events with the Real Encounter BMX Team from Springfield, MO. In those fourteen events, over 5000 students heard a very positive message based on Christian values, and about 2000 were present to hear a clear gospel presentation. Some 200 students presented themselves for personal decisions of which almost 100 were first-time professions of faith!

4. Pan de Vida Iglesias Bautista, our associational Hispanic ministry church, began Sunday worship services in 2013. This wonderful congregation of gentle people meet on Sunday’s and Thursday’s in the Sanctuary at the BMC, for worship and Bible study, led by David and Lydia Garza.

5. Seminary Extension Classes continue to provide one of the very best values to be found in concentrated theological studies. The material is college level accredited diploma coursework. Classes meet at 6:30 p.m., every Tuesday night during the school year. The association provides certified instructors in order that participants may receive valuable training at a greatly reduced cost. Subjects offered come under the following categories: Biblical studies, Theology, Christian Education, Christian History, Missions and Ministry.

6. Your associational offices, in partnership with the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home, provide licensed family counseling services through our Granberry Family Counselor. Further, a certified social worker is now available to assist any of our church families in the areas of adoption and foster care. These exciting ministries have long-lasting impact for any family that has the desire to make a difference.

7. How can pastors and churches be better involved in association ministry?  Easy, do so in prayers, attendance, and in giving. Remember, the association receives “zero” cooperative program dollars…it is the exclusive ministry of the churches in the association. Just think, if each member church would simply give 2% to their association, more local missions and ministries could be added to all that is presently being done. Right now, funds seem to be lessening. Out of 95 churches in the three associations of the Baptist Mission Center, more than half give less than 2%...many of those give less than 1%. This is our opportunity to invest in kingdom work right here in our own area. One of our pastors put it something like this: “Any person right here in central Louisiana who dies without Christ will go to the same sinners hell that a person who dies without Christ in another country would.”  And no one church can reach every person in central Louisiana. We need each other and working together we will accomplish more, very much more that we could do by working alone.

One thing each pastor can do is to attend the quarterly Executive Board meetings and bring a church member. Every member church is allotted their pastor and one other member in representing them in the Executive Board. In the upcoming Executive Board Meetings (Big Creek is March 11 at Bob B.C.; Central is April 17 at Homewood; and N. Rapides is April 10 at Pineville Park B. C.), we will discuss an important social issue that could affect any church and how we can properly respond.

Lastly, regarding support of the association, please consider adding the association to your church prayer list. This simple action would serve as a reminder that our sister churches and our cooperative efforts are truly worthy matters for our prayers.

There are many other things that happen associationally. Please drop by your Baptist Mission Center. We would be very happy to see you and to share the many opportunities that are all around Rapides and Grant Parishes.

Robert Daniel, Director of Missions

Baptist Mission Center

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