Saturday, May 26, 2012

Grace and Peace to You,

Hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I am excited about the fun part of the weekend...children and grandchildren...lots of great food...and I'm looking forward to the worship that we will share.

Memorial Day is a time to remember those who gave their all in preserving the freedom we enjoy here in America. As we remember not only those who died in battle, it is appropriate that we also honor those who have and those who presently serve in our armed forces. Truly, we owe those men and women far more than we can put into words...or even fully perceive.

Memorial Day, May 28, 2012

The Revolutionary War:
The War of 1812:
The Mexican War:
The War Between the States:
The Spanish American War:
World War I:
World War II:
The Korean Conflict:
Viet Nam:
The Gulf War:
The Iraq War:
The Afghan War:
Total Service Members Killed:

May God Bless America...May America be fully given to God.

Robert Daniel
Director of Missions

P.S.: Thanks to my good friend,
"Yogi", for compiling these figures that help us realize just how important Memorial Day is to each citizen of the United States of America

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May News from the Association

Grace and Peace,

Two Thousand Twelve has been mighty quick, so far! My-oh-my, there have been conferences and meetings at the LBC level and associational events, galore. Your church has had a full schedule to keep you engaged in your specific field of service. And, no doubt, you have had, as I, plenty of personal and family events.

In our LBC, we have hosted the Evangelism Conference here in central Louisiana, participated in the Courthouse Prayer meetings, and in the ALPC conference. The evangelism conference also included a feature for our area churches. Fourteen churches agreed to host an area evangelist to conduct a one day "Harvest" event prior to the Conference. The emphasis on "It's Time" for spiritual awakening has drawn many of our area churches into deep times of prayer and Bible study. The ALPC event was well attended and beneficial. Thanks, LBC, for all you do to aid our churches in kingdom work.

Locally, your associational ministry has been fully engaged. We have conducted special events for Sunday School, Senior Adults, Vacation Bible School, and the first of several Missions Celebrations. In addition to the association events, your Director of Missions has been in our churches for forty-five...Sunday, Mid-Week, Revival, and special services. Naturally, there have been specific calls for help with pastor search committee training, ordinations, and various needs that seem to inevitably "pop up."

I want to update you on your associational office here at the Baptist Mission Center. The "Door and Window Project" has been completed and we now have six months of experience for analysis. The electricity bills for the six months reflect a savings of 35%!! Thank you for the effort to keep your associational office in good shape.

Personally, I want to thank our churches for the wonderful reception at the Baptist Mission Center to meet Linda and to honor us with your presence in celebration of our marriage. Further, every church in which she has accompanied me for a visit has been extraordinarily warm and welcoming! You have been a big part of making this Arizona transplant feel welcome! God has been wonderfully gracious to us in our marriage and in Linda's acclimation to central Louisiana. We thank our God for every blessing!

Hope to see you soon! I'll be looking forward to an occasion to worship with you and your congregation real soon! Call on me...I am at your service.

Robert Daniel

Upcoming Schedule:
May 3    -  Baptist Mission Center Trustee Meeting
May 6    -  Riverview Baptist Church AM service
May 7    -  N. Rapides VBS Clinic at Philadelphia Baptist
May 13  -  Mother's Day - Open Date 
May 15  -  NRBA Admin Team
May 17  -  CLBA Admin Team
May 18-19  -  Louisiana DOM Association Retreat
May 20  -  Georgetown Baptist Church AM and PM services
May 27  -  Georgetown Baptist Church AM and PM services
June 3   -  New Prospect Baptist Church  AM and PM services
Open Dates: June 10, and 24.
June 17  -  New Orleans for SBC Crossover, D.O.M. meetings, and SBC Annual Meeting.