Friday, August 31, 2018

What a Ride This Has Been

Grace and Peace to You:

The day has come...finally...really! Several moments have caused me pause today. Today is the day that I will completly detatch from any official capacity as the Director of Missions here in central Louisiana. In a short while, I will turn in my keys to the Baptist Mission Center, which I have had on my person for the last nine years and one month. I have my "paycheck" in my pocket, and it is the last of those I will receive. My pastoral library is boxed and headed to a new NOBTS prison ministry campus. I pray that the students will grow and blossom into roles that will change lives for Christ in that great field. I no longer will be charged with making administrative decisions. New ministry directions will be capapably made, but will no longer be made under my jurisdiction. All of that sounds a little melancholy, but I am actually looking forward to new days ahead! I will now look unto the Lord for His favor in granting me an place of His design for a new measure of my still in process...lifetime of surrender to His service.

Here are some observations, in no particular order, of the wonderful season of serving 90 plus churches as Director of Missions.

I DO LOVE THE LOCAL CHURCH. Now you have to know that loving the local church is not for the faint of heart, but I can tell you that God has placed in my heart, a love for all of the local churches. I have had the privilege of participating in Sunday morning worship services in every nook and cranny of Rapides and Grant Parishes. From congregaions in sizes ranging from the teens to the thousands. In those experiences, I have been awed by experience of worship in such variety. I believe that in God's eyes no church is superior or inferior. No church has lesser or greater opportunity to experience His presence and power. However, every single church has equal responsibilty to biblically and sincerely approach our Mighty God with open and humble hearts. My friend, God doesn't really "show up," when we happen to get our hearts right...He was already there "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst” (Matt.18:20 NASB)! May we open the eyes of our heart and experience a fresh encounter with God every time we gather in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Believe me when I tell you that I love our Southern Baptist Churches here in central Louisiana!

I LOVE PASTORS. I have observed more pastors in the last nine years than the average church member ever will. I have heard most of these men as they preach the Word of God. There are as many "styles" as there are preachers...but only one Holy Bible. That constant is critical! I affirm to you that we have an amazing collection of Bible preaching pastors here in central Louisiana and I tell you..."they can preach!" My hat is off to our pastor/preachers and they have my admiration and respect for their preaching and for their God given calling!

UNITY IN THE LOCAL CHURCH IS VITAL It seems that some churches really struggle with this. About 15% of our churches have had at least three (3) pastors over the last nine years. Some of those, no doubt, had changes that were not because of disharmony...but disharmony is all too often a factor. I estimate that an additional 20-25% have had two (2) pastors during this time. That would include retirements, health issues, and other factors other than disharmony. Remember, now...this means that many of our churches show excellent stability and they usually manage to remain unified in their fellowship. Here is my exhortation to the churches: unity is held together by a slender thread. Work hard to maintain unity. Don't take that as meaning you must avoid conflict or pacify those who sew foul seeds of disharmony. It means what it hard to maintain (or establish) unity! Follow God's plan. Paul reminded Timothy how important it is that we conduct ourselves correctly in the church: "...but in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15 NASB).

I LOVE OUR MISSION FIELD.  I heard this at a gathering of pastors in a local restaurant for planning an evangelistic event: "A person in central Louisiana that dies without Christ goes to the same hell that a person in some other part of the world goes, who dies without Christ." Our community is important to our Great God. No one church can reach every person. Every church is better when there is strenght in the fabric of all of our churches. I believe that our association of churches is a gift from God. I pray that in the days ahead, with our new Director of Missions, Dr. Daryl Stagg, we can grow...really grow in unity and in mission!

It has been my honor and great privilege to have served you as your Director of Missions. You are a great people!

May God Bless and Keep You

Robert Daniel